Junior Chef Academy

Where Indianapolis Students Master the Art of Cooking

One in six Indiana residents suffers from food insecurity. The ratio is higher among children.

Many Junior Chef Academy participants face food insecurity every day.

The Junior Chef Academy was created to address food insecurity at the source: with our children.

The Junior Chef Academy is an after school program that empowers students ages 12-15 with culinary skills. We reinforce these skills through friendly competition and a points system, where the top students win the opportunity to compete in the World Food Championships.

Combating Food Insecurity Through Education

How can students get involved?

Applications for the Junior Chef Academy open in February 2025, with open tryouts taking place on March 3 at 4 PM.

What do students learn during Junior Chef Academy?

Kitchen Safety

Knife Skills

Handling Protein

And so much more.

JCA students practicing knife skills